Now showing items 1-10 of 329
Somos todxs estrelas pornô?: a produção de subjetividades-vitrine no Cine Majestick (Fortaleza/CE)
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2018-10-01)
The main objective of this thesis is to problematize the production of "showcase-subjectivities" in the porn movie Majestick, located in the downtown of the city of Fortaleza (CE). These subjectivities are assemblages of ...
Narrativas de bloqueio à criminalização da violência contra LGBTIs no Brasil: estudo de caso sobre uma omissão legislativa
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2018-03-09)
This dissertation aims to analyze the trajectory of the discussions about an anti discrimination law that wanted to include the violence motivated by sexual orientation and gender identity, debates held in the brazilian ...
Na primeira Terra todos eram Mbya: cotidiano na aldeia entre muitos "tipos de gente"
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2018-08-10)
This research has as its theme the relations between the Guarani Mbya of the Ribeirão Silveira Indigenous Land and other “kind of people”, a category of thought adopted by me, which has awakened my reflection on the ...
Avaliação da Plataforma Lattes como fonte de coleta de metadados para povoamento automatizado em repositórios institucionais
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2018-02-27)
Institutional Repositories (IR) are related to the Green Road strategy adopted by the Open Access Movement, which aims to create digital archives for storing and providing access to scientific and technological information. ...
Enigma do tempo: o problema da objetividade na contraposição entre Heidegger e Cassirer
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2018-08-21)
This thesis analyses the objectivy problem in both Heidegger and Cassirer works, using the time concept as connecting thread for the comprehension of the existente counterpoint between their theories. This sistematic aprouch ...
O Conselho Municipal de Transporte e Trânsito de São Paulo (CMTT/SP): participação e mobilidade urbana
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2018-08-22)
This research analyses the relationship between the creation and development of the São Paulo Municipal Transport and Traffic Council (CMTT-SP) and the June 2013 Protests. Given the proximity of the Protests with the ...
A invenção das subjetividades nos mercados da pacificação: um estudo sobre os empreendedores da Favela Turística/RJ
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2018-08-28)
The main objective of this study was to understand the contemporary regime of subjectivity in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, based on the analysis of the processes that involve the pacification of these territories and the ...
Falas, lugares e transformação: os Yuhupdeh do baixo rio Tiquié
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2018-03-09)
This thesis corresponds to an ethnography about the yuhupdeh of the lower Tiquié river, a people belonging to the Nadehup (Maku linguistic family, located in the Amazon Northwest. It is sought to retake here the theme of ...
A construção dos discursos que circulam entre a Ciência, a Tecnologia e a Sociedade no gênero “revista de atualidades”
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2018-02-27)
The purposes of this study is to show how the translation of texts from the spheres of Science and Technology to more common spheres of the Society happens. For that we analyze the Brazilians magazines Superinteressante, ...
Dádivas de além-túmulo: circulação e hierarquia no espiritismo Kardecista
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2018-08-29)
This research aims to ethnographically study the circuits of exchange that are established between incarnated and disincarnated agents in the activities of a spiritist center in the city of São Carlos (state of São Paulo). ...