As contribuições do Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID) para a construção de saberes sobre a docência : o caso do PIBID-Biologia da Universidade Federal de São Carlos
This work falls within the scope of the investigation of the initial teacher training,
investigating the Institutional Scholarship Program Introduction to Teaching.
This is a case study in which it is carried out an analysis of PIBID-Biology
subproject of the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), which is part of
PIBID UFSCar-institutional project. From an analysis of all documents relating
to the implementation of the project at all levels (national, institutional and
subproject) as well as the interview with researchers involved in the
construction of these projects, we built a description of the processes involving
the construction of the national project, as well as the institutional design and,
finally, the subproject Biology UFSCar. This first step was the context for
understanding, through analysis of reflective portfolios produced by scholars,
the dimensions of teaching knowledge built by undergraduates as scholarship
students from PIBID. In light of the training teacher references (NÓVOA, 2009;
ANDRÉ, 2012, GATTI, BARRETTO & ANDRÉ 2011, Zeichner, 2010, among
others), knowledge of the teachers (PEPPER, 2005 Tardif, 2000, 2007) and
also Complexity Theory (BONIL & PUJOL, 2008; RIBERAYGUA, 2012; MORIN,
2004, 2005), we realized that, despite the PIBID have characteristics that
approach a complex and dynamic model, students have many difficulties in
view their performance as part of a complex system that involves not only the
classroom but the entire surroundings. We understand that this may occur
because not always the PIBID works in coordination with the context ,
undermining thus functioning as a dynamic and complex system , requiring
several adjustments and improvements in this program.