Sequência didática: uma alternativa para o ensino de acústica para o ensino médio
The present work consists of a teaching learning sequence in the theme of Acoustics, built under the theory of significant learning of David Ausubel, to assist teachers in the teaching of Physics on this topic. The proposal was implemented in a high school class of Colégio Integrado Monteiro Lobato school in the city of Itu, in the interior of São Paulo. The analysis of the data was qualitative and tried to identify if there was significant learning on the part of the students about the content of the Acoustics, so that a significantly appropriation of the concepts of acoustics was observed at the end of the work. It is believed that this material is very flexible, facilitating the application of the classroom and adapting to the reality of the teacher, since it is assembled in modules, propitiating the use in a wide variety of environments.