O diretor de escola e a elaboração do projeto políticopedagógico : o pensar e o agir.
This work has objective to examine the conceptions of de school directors how much
the elaboration of the political-pedagogical projects in these schools. When examining
its conceptions, search to understand and to reflect the paper of the school director in
this process, as well as its position and interference. In accordance with de Law
9.394/96, each school must elaborate its pedagogical proposal. One of the requirements
for this elaboration in the collective participation of involved actors in the pertaining to
school process, amongst them, the parents, teachers, students, beyond, of the direction
of the school. The objective of this work is to focus if it had, what was the participation
of these actors, and also which the difficulties and/or facilities for the elaboration of the
political-pedagogic project. In the search of the information, bibliographical research
was carried through to anchor the treated and an empirical research, opting itself to a
qualitative boarding of researched, in which the data has been collected by verbal story
of the school directors. The research was carried in publishes state and municipal
schools of the city of Araras, São Paulo, privileging schools with basic education. After
done the data analysis and consideration searched to verify to thoughts or either, what
the interviewed school directors think and understand on the political pedagogical
project, and the act, or as the school directors the have acted for elaboration of the
related projects.