Now showing items 1-10 of 5098
Pandemia e exclusão social: rupturas sociais e projetos de vida de adolescentes brasileiros em cumprimento de medida socioeducativa de internação
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2023-10-20)
The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened concerns about the conditions of socially vulnerable adolescents in Brazil and around the world. Containment measures and the health, economic and social consequences increased the risks ...
Análise do desenvolvimento de crianças de um a três anos de idade contaminadas por chumbo.
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2005-02-28)
Lead intoxication can damage children development. There are few researches about the effects of lead intoxication on the overall development of young children. The individuals sampled in this study can be considered as ...
As reformas educacionais de Benjamim Constant (1890- 1891) e Francisco Campos (1930-1932) : o projeto educacional das elites republicanas
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2008-08-17)
The study objects of this work are two educational reforms derived from the Public Federal
Administration, namely the Reforms by Benjamim Constant (1890-1891) and Francisco
Campos (1930-1932). Both are characterized by a ...
O cinema brasileiro no Festival de Cannes (1949-2017): políticas de internacionalização e abertura de mercado
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2023-06-15)
This research investigates cinematographic policies aimed at the diffusion and promotion of films at the Cannes Film Festival through a comparative study, from 1949 to 2017. For this, it carries out a survey of the Brazilian ...
“A internet é o fio de nossas vidas”: influenciadores digitais na parceria entre C&A e o programa Big Brother Brasil
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2023-05-12)
Given the important role of fashion in the construction of social identities and the actual relevance of digital media, this dissertation aims to analyze how gender subjectivation processes take shape through fast-fashion ...
A riqueza do élenchos: um estudo sobre a aplicação platônica da prática investigativa socrática
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2019-07-31)
Proposing a presentation regarding élenchos is not an easy task. Élenchos is primarily a synonym of inspection. Everything starts with a simple question: “what is?” (ti estí;). Ti estí basically establishes the relationship ...
O currículo na organização do ensino das professoras da Educação Infantil
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2023-01-27)
This dissertation developed in the Professional Graduate Program in Education of
the Federal University of São Carlos, São Carlos campus, guided by the following
question: how the current Curriculum has been used in ...
Estudos sobre o uso medicinal da Cannabis: uma análise a partir do campo informacional
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2023-05-19)
Cannabis, popularly known in Brazil as "marijuana", has been used culturally by humans for millennia. It is indicated that, currently, its use is associated with several purposes: medicinal, gastronomic, industrial and ...
Empatia e preocupações psicológicas em cuidadores de pessoas idosas: revisão sistemática e efeitos do treinamento de empatia
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2023-06-30)
Empathy is an important ability in social interactions and can be a predictor of or protector form the negative impacts of care, such as psychological concerns (e.g., burden, depression, anxiety and stress). Thus, empathy ...
Big Data e dados pessoais: questões legais emergentes na perspectiva da Ciência da Informação
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2023-06-14)
This research aims to analyze the discussions about legal aspects in the use of data in Information Science, in Brazil, in the last 10 years. In this way, it seeks to answer the following guiding question: How much attention ...