Now showing items 1-10 of 759
As reformas educacionais de Benjamim Constant (1890- 1891) e Francisco Campos (1930-1932) : o projeto educacional das elites republicanas
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2008-08-17)
The study objects of this work are two educational reforms derived from the Public Federal
Administration, namely the Reforms by Benjamim Constant (1890-1891) and Francisco
Campos (1930-1932). Both are characterized by a ...
Narrativas de professoras formadoras que ensinam matemática em cursos de pedagogia: formação, identidade e tensões no campo da docência e da pesquisa
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2023-08-25)
This research pertains to a master's thesis affiliated with the Postgraduate Program in Education
(PPGE), within the research line "Science and Mathematics Education" at the Federal
University of São Carlos (UFSCar), and ...
Programa gestão nota 10: implicações para a gestão democrática na rede estadual de educação do Piauí
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2023-06-06)
This research problematizes the public-private management in education, based on
the partnership signed between the Department of Education of the State of Piauí
and the Ayrton Senna Institute. Its central objective is ...
Aprendendo na roda da vida: processos educativos em uma oficina pedagógica de Capoeira na perspectiva da vivência do educador
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2023-02-28)
El contexto de surgimiento de la Capoeira está fuertemente relacionado con la resistencia de hombres y mujeres negros esclavizados en la lucha contra la opresión social y cultural. Actualmente, persiste como medio de ...
Desenvolvimentismo e educação: o ensino médio no período de 1956 a 1961
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 1999-06-30)
The government proposals for education, between the years 1956-61, appear linked to the idea that the educational system should be intrinsically linked to the set of structural reforms that were necessary to overcome the ...
Modo de viver dos/as moradores/as da ecovila Tibá de São Carlos: processos educativos emergentes
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2022-08-29)
Ecovillages represent a resistance movement to the dominant system that questions the values of modern society by leading ways of life and coexisting that are guided by community and ecological principles. The Tibá ecovillage, ...
Tertúlias Dialógicas Pedagógicas na formação docente: prevenção de violência sexual contra crianças e adolescentes.
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2023-02-16)
Sexual violence against children and adolescents has increasingly alarming rates in Brazil and worldwide. The school has been pointed out in international and national studies as a fundamental institution to combat and ...
Escuta ética e protagonismo infantil em contextos de violência contra crianças: uma análise da produção acadêmica
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2022-12-13)
The objective of this dissertation was to analyze the way in which ethical listening is put on the agenda in research that addresses violence against children, considering Baruch Spinoza's concept of Ethics, which is based ...
Análise sobre a articulação da rede de proteção acerca de casos de violência sexual: percepção dos profissionais envolvidos
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2022-12-19)
Sexual violence perpetrated against children and adolescents is a public health problem, given the prevalence of this type of violence. It affects children of all social statuses, and has a higher incidence within the ...
"A gente tinha que se virar sozinha": processos educativos emergentes da andarilhagem de mulheres atletas de futsal
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2023-11-09)
This research aims to identify, understand and describe the educational processes that emerge from the social practice of wandering among female futsal athletes. To participate in this study, five women futsal athletes who ...