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dc.contributor.authorPaulino, Vanessa Cristina
dc.identifier.citationPAULINO, Vanessa Cristina. Efeitos do coensino na mediação pedagógica para estudantes com cegueira congênita. 2017. Tese (Doutorado em Educação Especial) – Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, 2017. Disponível em:*
dc.description.abstractIn the political, philosophical and legal aspects, the schooling of children with disabilities, such as blind children, is based on the inclusion paradigm. Considering the particularities in the development and learning of blind children, especially the ones with congenital blindness, the mere provision of certain specific pedagogical resources will not guarantee that their needs are met, which may compromise their process of concept formation at school. That happens because the teacher in a regular classroom will not always have enough support, such as services and resources, suitable for the development of pedagogical practices actually tangible to the blind learner. Thus, since the service of co-teaching has been pointed out in the literature of the area as an alternative to the success of school inclusion, a collaborative action-research case study was conducted. Two studies are ready, with the purpose of implementing in the first one. In Study 1 was implementing, describing and analyzing pedagogical practices that enable students with congenital blindness, in a regular class, to access the curriculum through co-teaching service, in a classroom with two responsables: regular professor who teachs in this class, and a special teacher, this researcher. In the Study 2, the aim was check the knowledge and opinion of the teacher of the regular class about the coensino's service, before and after being provided by this special educator / researcher. The sample was then composed of: a student with congenital blindness - with no other impairments, enrolled in the first cycle of elementary school, his regular classroom teacher and this co-teaching special educator/researcher. The research was developed in the enrollment room and the performance of the participants took place in a 4th year classroom of elementary school, in a municipal public school. Research data were divided into two studies. In Study 1, the Co-teaching service was implemented during a school semester; planning and development of pedagogical practices that enabled the participant to access the curriculum were carried out. A practice from the Sciences curriculum component, with "Solar System" theme, was selected for description and analysis of Study 1; designed by the educators of the regular classroom and the co-teaching special educator/researcher to be initially accessible to the blind student, but planned under the precepts of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL), it was assumed to benefit the other students. The description and analysis of this teaching situation were made through the Protocol for registration and evaluation of curricular pedagogical activities, formulated by this researcher, composed of: Curriculum, Co-teaching, Pedagogical Resource, Measurement and Evaluation. The results of Study 1 showed that the Curriculum had to be adapted and softened to the blind student, but these accommodations, due to the UDL, were extended to all students. Regarding Co-teaching, it was found that the station teaching and teaching team arrangements coexisted, coherent with the student's demands with blindness and this practice. As for the Pedagogical Resource item, concerning both the ones of general and specific use, the participant with blindness showed difficulties in apprehending the concepts, probably due to the mediation strategies carried out, initially through audio description. Finally, regarding the evaluation of the practice, through students "Report of experience", filled out by the end of the class, it was shown that they appreciated the mediations of the concepts relying on the specific pedagogical resources, such as verbal interaction, and revealed the action of his colleagues in the mediation of concepts to the blind student. In Study 2, willing to know teacher Joana’s opinion about co-teaching service, two semi-structured interviews were performed before and after it, which were transcribed and analyzed with the support of the Discursive Textual Analysis technique. From its results, presented and discussed in categories, namely: Knowledge about co-teaching and Characteristics and requirements of co-teaching, it is worth highlighting that the regular classroom educator agreed that, in addition to having expanded her knowledge about the service, she also improved as a teacher and finally became acquainted with and lived school inclusion. In spite of the limitations of the research, since analyzed and discussed only a single pedagogical practice, based on the results obtained, we may infer that this collaborative action-research brought about positive changes in the context and learning process of the students directly and indirectly involved, as well as improved the professional practice of the teacher regarding co-teaching and related subjects in a way that we dare to assume that she started having more favorable social attitudes towards school inclusion.eng
dc.description.sponsorshipConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)por
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de São Carlospor
dc.rights.uriAcesso abertopor
dc.subjectEducação especialpor
dc.subjectCegueira congênitapor
dc.subjectDesenho universal para a aprendizagempor
dc.subjectMediação de conceitospor
dc.subjectRecursos pedagógicospor
dc.subjectSpecial educationeng
dc.subjectCongenital blindnesseng
dc.subjectUniversal design for learningeng
dc.subjectMediation of conceptseng
dc.subjectPedagogical resourceseng
dc.titleEfeitos do coensino na mediação pedagógica para estudantes com cegueira congênitapor
dc.contributor.advisor1Costa, Maria da Piedade Resende da
dc.description.resumoEm vistas das particularidades no desenvolvimento e na aprendizagem da criança com cegueira, sobretudo congênita, a mera provisão de certos recursos pedagógicos específicos não garantirá que ela seja assistida em suas necessidades, o que poderá comprometer, no contexto escolar, o seu processo de formação de conceitos. Assim, e, sabendo-se que o serviço do coensino vem sendo apontado pela literatura da área como uma alternativa ao sucesso da inclusão escolar, conduziu-se uma pesquisa-ação colaborativa, em dois estudos, objetivando-se no Estudo 1: implementar, descrever e analisar uma prática pedagógica para o acesso ao currículo por um estudante com cegueira congênita – em uma sala regular, construída pelo coensino e no Estudo 2: Conferir o conhecimento e a opinião da professora da sala regular sobre o serviço do coensino, antes e após ser prestado por essa educadora especial de coensino/pesquisador. Compuseram então a amostra da pesquisa: um estudante com cegueira congênita – sem outros comprometimentos, matriculado no primeiro ciclo do ensino fundamental (4º ano de uma escola pública municipal), sua professora da sala de aula regular e a educadora especial do coensino/pesquisadora. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida na sala de matrícula e atuação dos participantes. Neste relato os dados foram divididos em dois estudos. No Estudo 1 implementou-se o serviço do coensino no decurso de um semestre letivo e selecionou-se para descrição e análise, do Estudo 1, uma prática do componente curricular Ciências, com tema ―Sistema Solar‖; desenhada pelas educadoras da sala de aula regular e especial do coensino/pesquisadora para ser, a princípio, acessível ao estudante com cegueira, porém, planejada sob os preceitos do Desenho Universal para a Aprendizagem (DUA), presumiu-se que beneficiaria aos demais alunos. A descrição e a análise dessa situação de ensino foram registradas no Protocolo para registro e avaliação das atividades pedagógicas curriculares. Os resultados do Estudo 1 mostraram que o Currículo teve de ser adaptado e flexibilizado ao aluno com cegueira, porém, essas acomodações, devido ao DUA, estenderam-se a todos os alunos. Relativo ao Coensino verificou-se que coexistiram os arranjos estação e time de ensino, coeso as demandas do aluno com cegueira e dessa prática. Quanto ao item Recurso Pedagógico, se constatou que o participante com cegueira teve dificuldades na apreensão dos conceitos que comportavam, devido provavelmente às estratégias da mediação realizada, a princípio, por via da audiodescrição. O Estudo 2, pautou-se na realização de duas entrevistas semiestruturadas, transcritas e analisadas com suporte da técnica de Análise Textual Discursiva. Dos seus resultados, apresentados e discutidos em categorias, sublinha-se que a educadora da sala de aula regular concordou que, para além de ter ampliado seus conhecimentos sobre o serviço, ainda se aprimorou como docente, passando a finalmente conhecer e viver a inclusão escolar. Conquanto das limitações da investigação, infere-se que provocou mudanças positivas no contexto e na aprendizagem dos alunos direta e indiretamente envolvidos, como ainda o aprimoramento profissional da docente, de tal sorte que se ousou em presumir que ela passou a ter atitudes sociais mais favoráveis acerca da inclusão escolar.por
dc.publisher.programPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação Especial - PPGEEspor
dc.description.sponsorshipIdCNPq: 140767/2013-4por
dc.publisher.addressCâmpus São Carlospor

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