Guerreiras afro-atlânticas: mulheres refugiadas em busca de sua outra no Brasil
The aim of the research was to analyze how the specificities of gender, race, class and
sexual orientation in the context of the refuge configures the experiences in the daily life of
women and in their experiences of practical and subjective life. It is a qualitative research,
in the eth- nographic modality, supported by a theoretical reference and documental, as
well as a field research carried out in the city of São Paulo, using also the methodological
approach of life histories of the participating women. Initially, the contact was made with
the organizations that work with this public and a field work was carried out on the
universe of refugees resi- ding in São Paulo through a dialogue with a group of women
attending by theses organizati- ons. These procedures allowed them to be followed day-byday, which made it possible to identify the discriminations and prejudices that they are
victims daily. In this regard, black women, who are refugees on the basis of sexual
orientation, are one of the priority groups in promoting gender equality and in tackling
racism, discrimination based on belonging to a spe- cific group and xenophobia. Regarding
the informal work carried out by them on the streets of the city, it was noted that, despite
the difficulties, there was a support network among them. It sought to contribute to
reflection on the trajectory of these women and to recognize that they can exercise their
citizenship and their rights in totality, as well as understand how these black women,
refugees and lesbians, live and self-represent in the context of refuge.