Uma análise comparativa de três contos maravilhosos e suas ilustrações: a temática da violência e do medo em João e Maria, Chapeuzinho Vermelho e Rapunzel
This work has as the general objective to compare the tales João e Maria, Chapeuzinho Vermelho e Rapunzel written by de Grimm Brothers with the Conta pra mim program version, including the ilustrations. As theorical fundamentation, we will be based at authoers as Tatar (2004), Bombonato (2022), Discini (2002), Nascimento (2022), Soares (2022) e Ramalhete (2020), among others. Our specific objective is to understand the impacts that the violence and fear themes in the Grimm Brothers tales cause in children from their reading and listening, and the strategies to soften these themes at the adaptions from the Conta pra mim program of Política Nacional de Alfabetização. Another specific objective is to present these tales storytelling at the Youtube channel Fafá conta histórias authored by the actress Flávia Scherner. The search makes a great contribution to awake the importance that the children’s literature has a role in forming values and critical citizens.
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