Manifesto pela terra e ecofeminismo: um estudo sobre a natureza, direitos e o desemparedamento da infância na ecopedagogia
Characterized as a qualitative study reviewing the literature and documents guiding education,
this course completion work visits academic works and productions published in the UFSCar
Institutional Repository (IR), such as Course Completion Papers (TCCs), dissertations and
theses, to discuss the tensions between the capitalist paradigm, nature and education, presenting
the rights of nature and biocentric perspectives as a possible way to redirect the mode of
production and life from an ecofeminist perspective. By linking patriarchal capitalism with
environmental collapse and the imprisonment of children, the aim is to point to experiences of
imprisonment (Tiriba, 2018) in early childhood education as exercises and movements of
reconnection with nature and the web of life (Capra, 1996), revealing the power of relationships
of partnership and care between children and adults, and the latter with the Earth. In this way,
starting from micro-social relationships, the study highlights relationships with communities
and environmental surroundings, highlighting the protagonism and ways of being of children,
their social, cultural and, above all, natural relationships in the field of curriculum, more
specifically the ecopedagogical curriculum, proposing criticisms and alternatives to the
unsustainable mode of production and humanity's divorce with nature. The study concludes that
the natural dimension is important for children's integral development, with nature being an
active subject and support for planetary life, with whom children can create and be aware of
their body's desires and limits, awakening them to relationships of care and respect for natural
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