A escola na empresa: considerações sobre a formação do trabalhador.
This research has as its aim to investigate an enterprise program to give instruction
to workers during the 90 s in the context of the new organization forms of the process of
production and work which characterizes the integrated and flexible enterprise. It tries to
identify the workers discourse, motivation, objectives, and the results in the school
education. In this perspective it tries to answer the following questions; does this specific
modality of school education contribute to the formation of a more critical subject when it
increases the possibilities of comprehension and of contraposition to the numberless forms
of exploitation and of control in the capitalistic society or does it in a one-sided form
cooperate to the workers adjustment and integration to the productive and social reality ?
This research begins with the hypothesis that the process of the workers instruction is
developed in a complex and contradictory form because education is not limited to the
restricted interests of the capital, to the dimension of adjustment of these individuals to the
productive process and to the social dynamics, but it also allows a reasoning which is more
critical and less identified to the dominating system.
Beginning with a questionnaire and a half-structured interview, data have been
collected. These instruments have been made to workers who shared a program of
instruction developed in a transnational enterprise located in Valinhos-SP, Brazil. Its
analysis makes possible to verify the prevalence of the functionality of education to the
capital, as this school knowledge makes it easy to benefit the workers performance in the
productive activity as well as in the technical and behavioral training courses. On the other
side the analysis allows to detect some elements which indicate the contribution of
education to forming a more critical subjectivity. The conclusion of this research is that
considering the instrumentalization of the formative processes which are dominant in the
late capitalism it becomes extraordinarily necessary to develop an education founded in the
affirmation of the subject s autonomy, a greater emphasis into the moments which
potentially let us see an emancipatory education.