Os sem terra e a educação: um estudo da tentativa de implantação da proposta pedagógica do MST em escolas de assentamentos no Estado de São Paulo.
The present research studies the fight for the land that caused the space (espacialização) and the territory (territorialização) of MST and
construction of its agrarian reform project. In this time, MST had a special care about Education. So, this research s themes are Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST) and Education. It is a study about the manner
how the movement engaged in the history of fight for the land and MST s trajectory in it, as well as MST makes a junction with Brazilian Education
History, mainly rural education which results in the tentative in introduce its Pedagogic Proposal, called MST s Pedagogic Proposal (Proposta Pedagógica do MST). So, this research studies pedagogic systematizations by the movement to start by its educational experiences
in encampments and settlements of Brazil. In special, this work searches to understand difficulties about space of educational experiences in settlements of State of Sao Paulo (Estado de São Paulo), as well MST s pedagogic contributions to Brazilian Education, mainly schools of agrarian reform settlements.