“Admirável mundo do empreendedorismo”: adoção do empreendedorismo como princípio educativo no curso Técnico em Administração do Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo
This study approaches the “entrepreneurial education” under a critical perspective, which
assesses its ideological and contradictory character. Particularly, it analyses the insertion of
the entrepreneurship discussion in the courses addressed to the education of technician in
administration of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Espirito
Santo, focusing on the meanings assigned by its students and teachers to a education for
Entrepreneurship. The primary and secondary data were collected through research techniques
of bibliographical survey, documentary research, interviews, applications of questionnaires
and also formation of focal groups were described and discussed both from the point of view
of statistical analysis and the theoretical references that determined the study. Authors
considered reference in their areas were studied in order to meet the speech in favor of
education with focus on Entrepreneurship and, on the other hand, it was adopted the thought
of philosopher and political scientist Antonio Gramsci to discuss and analyze critically the
theme. It is supported that entrepreneurship is superposed to work, as educational principle, in
the coursers addressed to the education of technician in administration of IFES and that
although the speech of entrepreneurship have been absorbed in the level of common sense by
the students and teachers of these courses, this audience has developed, although embryonic
and diffuse form, a germ of good sense in relation to the theme. It is understandable that the
position of IFES naturalizes the school duality and reinforces the policy of students early
professionalization, which distances, therefore, of the search for a universal and omnipresent
project of human formation. Is defended in this study that the education policies of the federal
schools, within the high school, incorporate a proposal of a Unitary Education in accordance
with gramscian patterns.